What do we offer?
We can help you change or update your website’s content / images. We can even offer premium stock image resources for your website.
We can assist you with your text content and update any wording on your website.
We can update any products or variations you might have with your Ecommerce site.
We can create extra pages for whatever needs you have. We can also offer more premium plugins for your website to give you the functionality you need.
This option may result in additional costs.

Limited Time Discount: Usual Price – $150
How does this benifit your website?
Having regular website tweaks and edits is vital for keeping your customers up to date with any information they need, updating your website’s content and imagery or just clarifying the existing information on your website.
Updating images, re-wording text or trying to upload new product information can be very time consuming, having an agency handle this process and work in with you can cut down on time in a major way!
If you want to learn more about how agencies can benefit your business read our blog post here:
Marketing Agencies vs Doing it Yourself – Breeze Marketing